The Africa Mercy

The Africa Mercy

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Lives changed in the Dominican Republic - mainly mine!

Well I have recently returned from an amazing 2 1/2 weeks in the Dominican Republic - and in all honesty - I don't know how i'll be able to even begin to share with you all just how much of an amazing experience it has been.

In brief, we spent the majority of our time working in a predominately Haitian community, helping to construct an extension to a dining room at the local school. This in itself was a real challenge, but one that the team rose to and more! As well as this construction work, we did some drama's in the classrooms with the children, played with the kids during recess and spent a lot of time walking around in the community, meeting people, getting to know them and building relationships.

I'm very aware that I have so many stories that I could talk for a days about, concealed in the few brief lines that I have written above, but am also very aware that if I did I would bore you to death and you'd never want to read one of my blogs instead, this video will try and focus on one of two stories that will begin to give you a glimpse of our time away.

I would like to introduce you to Ezekial. He is 9 years old, lives in this small house with his Mum, Dad, 3 sisters and one brother. Ezekials house has two rooms, two beds, small kitchen/living area.....and that is about it. I met Ezekial on our first day in the village, and had the privilege of meeting up with him more or less each day, getting to know him (with the help of becca N - who felt like my own personal translator) and playing games with him.

What was so phenomenal about Ezekial and his family, to me anyway, was the life and spirit they had in them. Despite their situation, they had a few of us over for lunch twice and, despite the language barrier, were some of the warmest most hospitable people I have ever met. It really made me think, about how easily little things can get me down and how I can easily let those little things affect my relationships with other people. Talk about helping to put things into perspective.....

The second person I would like to introduce you to is Jeffrey. He is two - and one day, whilst sitting by a fire that was heating a boiling pot of water, had it knocked over his little leg. He suffered second degree burns. Had it not been for the timing and Grace of God, that burn would have gone relatively untreated, more than likely infected and would have had to spend a life time with pain, discomfort and worst case scenario - only one leg.

However, this is not the case. Due to the skill and willingness of some of the nurses on our team, Jeffrey had his burn treated and dressed for nearly two weeks. He now has an opportunity to live a life that would not have been possible had these nurses not been there. I take two huge things from this story:
1) Nurses are truly amazing. This is no tongue in cheek comment. Having watched them work in some incredibly difficult, dirty and messy situations - I can safely say, Nurses are amazing!

2) This was a small, bite size picture of what Mercy Ships is all about. Bringing Hope and Healing to the forgotten poor of this planet. I feel even more privileged to be part of this extra-ordinary organisation and the adventures and challenges that lay ahead.

Thank you all again for your support!

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