The Africa Mercy

The Africa Mercy

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Freely we have recieved

So I came into our little forward office at 10.30 am today, after spending the morning on the wards with the patients, and found 2 of our day volunteers standing in there, chatting away, huge smiles on their faces – just beaming.

I asked what was going on, as I could clearly tell they had some stories to tell.

They both just looked at each other, like Cheshire cats, smiling away and laughing. Fred said how it’s just been a good morning outside is all. I knew there was more going on there…so pushed him, come on, why it has been good.

He then began to explain how “it was just one of those mornings, people were really listening, fully engaged, asking questions…and yeh….it was just good.”

A little bit of context may help here. On the dock outside by the ship, we have a few large tents set up, for admissions and phsio. So a lot of patients go there first, with care givers, before they come onto the ship/wards. So we have a couple of people from our team go out, spend time with them, chat to them about the process they are going through – try to calm nerves and anxieties, and to also explain WHY we are here doing what we are doing.

This is obviously a good thing to do. I mean, wouldn’t we be suspicious if people we didn’t know, who didn’t look like us, talk like us, smell like us came into our town or city and offered something that would radically change the lives of huge numbers of people in our community – and on top of that, offered it freely! I mean….to much of a good thing…there must be a catch, what do you want from me??

Well, this is a common question, and one that Fred got this morning. So while we were in our office, he told me what he said.

“We are here to heal you, physically. We are here to help you in your ailment. We are here because the love of Jesus provokes us to want to help you, to serve you. We don’t want gifts, we don’t want money, we don’t want you to do this or that, we just want you to receive it, and know that you are loved – by us, by Jesus – and know that we are here, doing what we are doing, so that YOU can see that love. That is all.”

Can I add anything to that? I don’t think so. Why are we here? Why are there over 400 people here, from over 35 nations, living in close proximity, away from family and friends, and paying each month for the privilege of being here…because the love of Jesus drives us, pushes us, provokes us to go beyond our comfort zones, in order to share love, to bring hope, to offer healing and the chance for new life.

Jesus said, “Go…heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those with skin disease, drive out demons. Freely you have received, now freely give.”

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

There and back again....a Ghanian tale

I know it's a poor cliche to start off with, but life's a journey, and this current stretch of my journey is getting better and better. I think back over the past 9 months in wonder, amusement and thankfulness. To a 9 month stint that has led me from the sunny climbs of Stoke, to Texas, to the Dominican Republic, Benin, Tenerife, Togo and Ghana. I've travelled countless thousands of miles, seen poverty, heartache, abandonment and joy. I've made friends, made memories and been blessed along every step.

But there is a common trend that runs through the heart of all of these things, well, to be more specific, a particular person who has taken each step of this journey with me - Sharon.

I met Sharon when I arrived at the International Operation Center in Texas back at the beginning of September 2009. We had 8 weeks of fun, laughter and general amusement putting out fires, flipping life rafts, watching U2 in concert and building a dining room at a small school in the D.R. to name but a few things!

At this point, I realise that I could go on for a very long time naming every specific fun memory that I have with Sharon, but the reality is, is that when you live in community with someone for 9 months and see them for more or less everyday of that.....there are a lot of will save most of them for myself and jump along this little journey to the here and now; more specifically, the here and now of Friday 28th May.

Myself, Sharon and 4 close friends took off for the weekend and headed to Ghana for a short break, our destination, the largest water falls in west africa. Now, as anyone who has ever tried will know, any true african adventure is full of little things that are never expected and difficult to describe. Crossing the boarder after night fall, going through the red tape of passport control, dealing with the hoards of taxi and van drivers harassing and waving, trying to get your business - and the inevitable 15 minutes of heated bartering. After that episode, the simple matter of a 5 hour van drive north, along african roads, windows down, break neck speeds, pot holes, dust and check points - too numerous to count - we finally reach our destination, Wli Water Heights hotel. We arrive at 1 a.m., and promptly hit the beds hard.

Now, some context, this weekend was always planned as 2 things, one....a small break away from our little tin can that we call home, i.e. The Africa Mercy. And secondly, was going to be a time where I posed a particular question to Sharon....a rather life defining question at that! Now, the girls who were with us on the trip new about both segments of this plan - however, sharon did not. So, the lead up to the weekend was full of secrecy, late night meetings after sharon had gone to night shift and some international purchasing, communications and relevant shipping of a certain item that is central to the question that I was planning to pose to Miss. Ruggles.....

So, we wake up lazily on saturday morning....saturday the 29th May 2010, a day that will live long in the memory. Following a mish-mash brunch, we all headed out on a little walk to the base of the 800 meters water falls. The girls new the plan, I knew the was now just a simple case of putting plan into action now. We arrived at our destination, an amazing place, perfect. There were a few bunches of people there, so we all just sat down on a rock, and took in the views. After 10 minutes or so, I could see that most of these other groups were heading out, and I said to myself, 'well old or never.' I had already scoped out my spot, I gave my camera to Ginger, sneakily got the ring box out of the bag (with a little distraction from Becky) and asked sharon if she wanted to go for a little walk. Fortunately for me, Yes was a word that she was keen on this day, so we headed down to the base of the falls.

Now our insightful friends spotted this movement, and with many camera's in many hands, discreetly followed and took up paparrazzi positions - honourable mention of Alainie, who scaled the hill and hid in a bush!

We arrive at the base, my heart a thumping, I turn to sharon, hold both of her hands and begin. Now, it would be fair to say that over the past 24 years of my life, I have come to realise that I can be a bit of a rambler when it comes to talking (as many of you who have been following my blogs or who have known me for any period of time will know) and this was no exception. Im pretty sure I began with, "I love you" which surely cant be a bad place to start! I then went onto how "Sharon, you're my best friend" which again, I think is a good second. I then moved into talking about how the past 9 months have been the best of my life and that she was the central reason for that. I feel her hands squeeze a little tighter as she starts to realise where this is going. I'm thinking, 'well done Al, great place, great ring, she doesn't know, the girls are in place, first few lines are good.....this is going well.....'

It is at this point that I would like to say how i came out with a line that shook the very foundations of romance and gave Shakespeare and Lawrence something to mull over in their long sleep. I would like to say that.....however......

In this life defining moment, a once in a life time opportunity, I may have dropped the immortal line of..."you're a understand about heart rates....." to which sharon replied...."I guess yours is pretty high..??" Well....never mind.....we quickly moved past that bombshell, I reached into my pocket, grabbed the box, went down on one knee and said the much better line of, "Sharon, will you marry me?"

Well....I'll let the pictures say the rest. I'm a blessed man, a blessed man indeed. I am part of something that is life changing, I have amazing friends and family, I have some incredible people sponsoring and supporting me, and now, I have the most beautiful Fiance I could have dreamed of. Thank you seems so weak when I try to express what I feel right now, because what I feel goes so far beyond that. But nevertheless, thank you all.